Kodak Tri-X 400, Leica 90mm f/2.5 Summarit-M. On the MBTA Red Line between Harvard and Central Sq.
I haven’t given up on getting good photos out of the T. Can you spot the self-portrait hiding in there?
And for lack of a better place to put them post them, a couple of shots on the way to/in the North End:
On an equipment related note I picked up the battery grip for my camera a little while ago – while it makes it a lot more bulky it fits my hands and handles much more nicely. It also makes my camera bag quite cramped, I might need a bigger one soon (any suggestions are welcome). I’ll also be renting the 90mm T/S-E lens this week, so expect to see some experimentation from that in the near future!
Last month I had focused most of my photographic efforts on the garden along the path I walk every day and had been really pleased with the results. So next I had decided to try and focus on the MBTA and at best I’ve been frustrated. There’s probably a few reasons it hasn’t been working out quite as well – I’m usually rushed and stressed when I’m using the T, and everyone else around me is too. I also try to avoid pointing my camera at people who are just out and about, and (surprise!) there’s people on the T.