Category Archives: Off-topic

OT: Some thoughts on the Nokia N900

Admittedly this is a bit off-topic, but I am still a little bit of a geek (forgive me).

In the not-too-distant past, Nokia announced their N900 “mobile computer” and it was an immediately enticing device: a large & very high resolution touch screen, a physical slide-out keyboard, 3G frequencies that will work with my carrier (T-Mobile), and oh, it runs a relatively-unmolested Linux too.

Frustration with my blackberry peaked a week or so ago and I ordered an N900 from Nokia, admittedly with a slight amount of trepidation – unsubsidized phones are expensive and this is their flagship! It arrived the next business day and I’ve been getting settled into it since.

In a nutshell, it’s almost exactly as I expected: gorgeous hardware, software that’s still a little rough around the edges but lots of potential for improvement. Interested in details, including some talk of the phone’s camera? Read on.

Otherwise, my next post will likely be waxing poetic about the utterly enchanting Canon 24mm f/1.4L II lens!

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